Role of CRTASA

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Canadian Registry of Therapy Animal & Service Animals (CRTASA) is a centralized registry operating in Canada & US since 2010. It registers service & therapy animals and extends annual memberships to verified applicants that also receive a valid CRTASA Photo ID Card to readily confirm their rightful ownership of their official animal to a place of business. Service animals registered by CRTASA include guide dogs and other trained species (eg. helper monkeys, miniature seeing guide horses, etc..) CRTASA does not certify service animals - it only registers those already officially trained/certified to assist their owner with a disability. The standardized CRTASA Photo ID Card alleviates past confusion that variety of ID Cards (issued by different states, provinces and training facilities) posed for businesses across North America - many of whom were unfamiliar with the issuing body. CRTASA members also benefit from point of purchase discounts on animal products/services extended by participating CRTASA corporate fellows. For details Email: or visit

Welcome to CRTASA's Blog!

Thank you for your interest and comments about service and therapy animals.

For additional information about our CRTASA membership services or Corporate Fellowship Opportunities please visit our website at: or email us directly at:

February 13, 2011

Pet News and Views is Excellent Resource for All Animal Lovers!

CRTASA adds Pet News and Views blog to its favourite blog list.

Are you interested in pet care, wildlife issues, profiles of people who work with animals? Do you want to know more about laws affecting animals and stories about pets and wildlife?

Then you should seriously consider subscribing to the Pet News and Views blog as it the helpful and informative source for pet owners and admirers of wild animals. 

The blog creator and author is Michele C. Hollow. Using her professional journalistic background she carefully researches each post to ensure that the content is up to date and relevant for the intended audience. We hope that you enjoy her posts as much as we do!

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